Transformational healing

 It’s time to choose wellness.

Would you like to feel happy? Would you like to be vibrant and full of energy?

Or are you getting easily depressed, angry, or sad? Do you have unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking alcohol, smoking, eating, shopping, or gambling?

Many years ago I realized that I wasn’t happy, I had many destructive habits and while I was able to stop them quite easily, I also realized that there was a reason for them being there in the first place.

There was pain, and I didn’t want to feel it. Smoking, drinking, over eating and exercise helped to suppress these feelings. Once gone, I had to deal with my feelings, and they had their roots in my past. Hypnotherapy and time transformational healing therapy have helped me to leave traumatic experiences behind and change how I feel.

I started training in NLP and hypnotherapy nine years ago, and it has truly been an amazing journey for myself, and my clients.

This is a journey into yourself, discover what is blocking you to live a happier life, become aware of your negative thoughts that hinder you to blossom. Get in touch with you, the real you, be moved by how beautiful you are, how capable, how amazing and how special you really are. You are already perfect with all your imperfections, so embrace yourself, and love yourself for who you are right now. Let me help you to achieve more clarity and a positive flow in your life. This is a Gift you can give yourself, be kind. 

Customer Review:

I decided to have a session with Mario as I was struggling to find the time And determination to complete a new creative project… even though it was something I really wanted to do. Mario is very generous with his patience and skill to ask engaging questions. Even before the hypnotherapy started, I knew I was going to get great value. Mario comes across as being very relaxed which  I think is a great Professional style to help people relax themselves – I certainly did.
I found the session very insightful and that actually what I needed to be more determined was to acknowledge that I had quite a lot on and I was doing really well.
After the session I was extremely relaxed.  I felt clearer in my thinking and a certain amount of inner joy. Over the course of the next week, I noticed that would get further insights on why I had found it difficult to do my work even though I loved it. These aha moments came into my thinking quite naturally and unlocked some old fears that I had forgotten about. Once recognized they just faded away.
It has been three weeks now and I am still using the techniques that Mario gave me to connect with my inner sanctuary. My creative project is humming along at its own pace.
I would highly recommend working with Mario to help gain a better understanding of what is troubling you or even if you are just curious about reaching another level of awareness. Thank you Mario for your professional and magical work.

 Anna Schaumkell 

Founder, Goddess – Personal Growth Empowering Women in their Feminine.

 For an appointment call or text 0414 382 425



How does hypnotherapy work?

When we use hypnotherapy we use the imaginary abilities of our mind to access the subconscious mind. The more often you use it, the better you will become, and your success will truly be life changing.

Your subconscious mind, is managing your body functions, it keeps your heart beating, your blood circulating, your digestion working, and so on… It is exciting how our subconscious Mind manages to do all those things, without you even being aware of it.

Yet, it also does a lot more: Have you ever driven somewhere and you could hardly remember how you got there? Or done something that you’ve done a thousand times and you do it almost automatically, like being on autopilot? This is possible because the subconscious Mind is doing more than 90% of the work. Our Conscious Mind is only aware of very few things that are happening at the same time, yet our subconscious Mind can process  a few trillion Messages at the same time.

Through Hypnotherapy, we put you into a very relaxed state where we are able to access the subconscious Mind and you will be able to create the change that you want.

I have seen many people make changes to their lives by using hypnotherapy. Freeing up traumas, releasing anxiety, releasing stress, overcoming addiction, improving self-worth and more.

Hypnotherapy is a very safe treatment and nothing is done throughout the treatment that goes against your will. You are always in control and nothing is done that is not in accordance with your beliefs.


If you suffer from a mental condition  it is advisable to discuss it with your primary Health Care Provider first. Hypnotherapy is contraindicated when people are in a delusional state

Client Review:

I feel Mario is a very gifted hypnotherapist who demonstrates a true holistic approach to helping others in this way. I found him to be incredibly empathetic and understanding as he intuitively and gently guided me into a process of deep emotional healing. I am so grateful for the experience and highly recommend Mario’s ‘hypno-medicine’ to bring solace to your soul!
